Now, you can earn XP for every transaction in Zerion Wallet! Furthermore, on ZERϴ Network, transactions are free and you can gain even more XP with daily quests. As you get more XP, you level up and unlock rewards. Let’s dive into how all this works.

What are Zerion Rewards? 

Zerion Rewards is the hub for rewards that you can get by simply using Zerion Wallet. It is available in mobile apps and in the web app. 

TL;DR, it’s simple: 

  1. Earn XP for every TX in Zerion, including free transactions on ZERϴ 
  2. Reach new Levels 
  3. Unlock Rewards 

To get started, connect your Zerion Wallet to the Rewards section in the web app or on mobile. 

Earn Zerion XP 

XP are points that track your rewards in Zerion and build up your ranking. 

While XPs are currently offchain, they are linked to a wallet address. So, each address you create or import into Zerion can earn XP. 

There is a retro XP drop for 10 million addresses that were active before mid-October. Import an address into Zerion Wallet and see how much XP you can get. 

You have four ways of gaining XP: 

  • ZERϴ Balance — bridge some tokens to ZERO Network to passively earn XP every day 
  • Quests — complete daily quests and earn XP while exploring the ZERϴ Network
  • Gasback — get XP for gas fees you spend on other L1 or L2 chains 
  • Invites — invite others with your referral link or code and get 10% of their XP 
Several ways to get XP: Quests, ZERO Balance, Invites, Gasback

Let’s look into each of these in more detail. 

ZERϴ Balance 

The fastest way to earn XP is to bridge some ETH or other tokens to ZERϴ. 

In case you missed it, ZERϴ Network is a new L2 with free transactions in Zerion Wallet. 

You need to have some ZERO balance, or you will eventually get stuck and will not progress in levels. For example, in the screenshot above, to get to the next level, up to 13.8k XP can come from Quests, and at least 533 XP must come from balance.

ZERO Balance includes all your tokens on ZERϴ. Bridging and keeping assets on ZERϴ is the best way to earn XP passively.

You get a XP boost for some tokens: for example, if you hold $100 USDT, you earn 2x XP, as if you held $100 in ETH.

Tip: if you provide liquidity for USDC/WETH, you get a 3x boost and you earn trading fees (but you have the impermanent loss risk).


Daily quests are a great way to earn XP while exploring Zerion and ZERϴ. 

Quests can be anything, from doing swaps to minting an NFT or completing some other transactions. 

  • Featured — special quests that have higher XP rewards 
  • Recurring — these you can do repeatedly 
Quests in Zerion Rewards

The first featured quest is to mint a Zerion DNA, which is now moving to ZERϴ. You have several ways of completing this quest: 

  • Mint a new Zerion DNA if you don’t have it 
  • Migrate a Zerion DNA — it will become inactive on mainnet Ethereum and its meta data will reset

Merge Zerion DNAs — this will combine achievements from your Zerion DNA on Ethereum into a new Zerion DNA on ZERϴ

Zerion DNA is moving to ZERO Network
Important: Zerion DNA on ZERϴ is soulbound, which means it’s not transferable and cannot be sold. 

If you don’t want to merge or migrate your Zerion DNA, you can move it to a different address. After that, you will be able to mint a new Zerion DNA on ZERϴ. 


Keep using Zerion Wallet and get XP for gas you spend on any L1 or L2 network.  

The dollar amount you see is the value of ETH you spent on gas… crazy right?! At least now you get some XP back. 

Meanwhile, on ZERϴ Network, all transactions are free. 


Get XP for inviting others into Zerion and ZERϴ. 

Finally, you can also earn XP for inviting others with your link or referral code. 

It’s a win-win for both: 

  • If someone uses your link, they get a free trial of Zerion Premium. 
  • You get 10% of all XP they earn 

Level Up 

As you gain XP, you can gain new Levels. 

If you’ve been with Zerion for some time, you might leap through the first few levels. Similarly, if you import a storied, seasoned wallet address, you can get a juicy retroactive drop of XP. This will put you ahead. 

Tip: import address into Zerion Wallet 

Later, levels get progressively harder. Getting to each new level is something you can brag about — it shows that you are truly active onchain. 

To level up fast, it’s best to do everything: bridge to ZERϴ, do daily quests, and just use Zerion as your main wallet. 

Another tip: transactions on ZERϴ are free — that’s a great way to earn XP fast

Get Rewards 

Each new Level unlocks exclusive rewards you can use in Zerion and beyond. 

The rewards are meant to enhance your onchain experience. Rewards can range from new expect the list of rewards to expand as Zerion and ZERϴ build more partnerships across the onchain space. 

You can check available rewards in the Zerion Rewards hub. 

Start now 

To sum up, you earn XP for using Zerion Wallet and having some balanceo on ZERϴ. As you accumulate XP, you reach new Levels. In turn, Levels, unlock new Rewards. 

If you’ve been active onchain, you likely already have some retroactive XP to claim. And if you’re new, the best time to start is now! 

  1. Get Zerion Wallet 
  2. Bridge to ZERϴ
  3. Explore onchain and enjoy free transactions on ZERϴ! 


Is XP a token? Can I sell it? 

XP is not a token, it’s an offchain system linked to your wallet address. XP measures your activity in Zerion and unlocks new rewards. You cannot sell XP. It’s tied to an address and is not transferable.  

Can I sell Rewards? 

No, rewards are linked to your wallet address(es). Some rewards are only redeemable and usable in Zerion Wallet. 

When does Zerion Rewards end? 

The Zerion Rewards program doesn’t have a planned end date. But the program might change and evolve with Zerion and ZERϴ. Many quests, however, have end dates, so do them while they are open! 

I have a partnership idea for Zerion Rewards, who should I talk to? 

That’s great! Fill out this form, and we will contact you if there is a fit. 

I have more questions. 

Please check the Zerion Help Center. You can also read the full Terms & Conditions for the Rewards Program