Hello friends. March was a busy month and, for many, an emotionally difficult month. Still, the Zerion team shipped some major new features and integrations. And this includes the first steps toward decentralization.

Product updates

Zerion social search

Searching people on Zerion? We unveiled the first iteration of social features in the Zerion app! Search any wallet address or ENS and get a quick glance without adding it to watched wallets (for example, you can lookup any hacker's address). Easily share wallet profiles with friends. Let us know what you think.

🔗 Multichain fees. Now swaps on alternative Layer 1 and Layer 2 networks will have a small 0.5% fee, which will be a sustainable source of revenue for Zerion. There won't be any trading fees for Ethereum Mainnet (although you will pay gas and DEX fees as usual).

This trading fee will go to a "treasury-like" multisig where it will stay safe until we come up with a way to involve the community in managing Zerion's future. More about this in the blog.

This move also gives new utility to Zerion Genesis NFTs. Wallets that hold common NFTs won't pay these fees for a year. And if you hold rare or legendary NFTs, you get zero fees forever.

🔍 Solana tracking. You can now add your Solana addresses to Zerion and track $SOL and other tokens alongside your assets on EVM-compatible chains. There is no more need to switch wallets!

Matty Taylor, Head of Growth at Solana Labs, also came to Zerion Discord to talk about what's coming soon for the ecosystem.

👛 Wallet Wednesdays. We're hosting a series of Twitter Spaces conversations to talk about what the next wave of crypto wallets should look like. Builders from Argent, Coinbase, Gnosis, Ledger, Phantom, Status, and Zapper joined us to discuss the future of wallets.

📣 Noteworthy integrations

  • Aave V3 positions are now trackable
  • Euler Finance borrowed and lent assets are added
  • Mercuryo fiat onramp added

🐞 Bug bounty with Immunefi. You can get paid $25k for uncovering vulnerabilities in Zerion's smart contract and reporting it with Immunefi, the leading bug bounty platform for Web3.

Community updates

  • Happy hour in SF. In March, we co-hosted our San Francisco happy hour with OrangeDAO and On Deck. Check out the photos and even some watercolours of the event. We hope to host more IRL events around the world in the near future.
  • Meme contest! We've launched our first bounty campaign with Layer3 to find the ultimate meme lord — check out the winner. More campaigns are coming soon, particularly for Web3 content writers. Stay tuned!

Your friends at Zerion

P.S Remember you can always chat to us on Discord or tell us what you want to see on our public roadmap. For support, check out our help center.

Note: The Zerion Community Update is usually delivered directly to our subscribers via email. Unfortunately, email marketing platforms like Mailchimp and Sendinblue have banned crypto projects from using their services. We found a new provider yet there could be some issues with email deliverability. Until we sort it out, we will continue publishing the full version of our community updates on this blog.