🚀 Here’s what we’ve been up to in the past month.

Zerion updates

Support for new assets and protocols

We added support for a number of new assets: sUSD by Synthetix, Chai, RealT tokens and Balancer. In addition, Zerion now supports USDT deposits on Compound.

View your portfolio balances in ETH

We’re the first DeFi interface to let you denominate your entire portfolio in ETH. As the price of ETH fluctuates in USD, reported performance can often be misleading, reflecting lower dollar returns even when ETH profit is up. Watch the true growth of your investment, even as the money printer goes brrr 🖨

Zerion + Portis

We’ve just added support for Portis, a non-custodial blockchain wallet that allows users to access their Web3 account via email login.

Detailed info on Synthetix

On our never-ending quest to reduce the number of tabs you have open while managing your DeFi portfolio, we’ve included a detailed view for Synthetix. Get a breakdown of your collateral ratio, escrowed SNX, unlocked SNX, staking rewards and more directly on Zerion.

Zerion detailed info on Synthetix

As always, let us know what you’d like to see on Zerion by heading over to our Product Board.

New on the blog

Tracking DeFi returns is messy. Here’s how to do it properly.

It’s no secret that accurately tracking your DeFi portfolio is virtually impossible. Most wallets don’t show accurate figures, let alone provide useful metrics to help you evaluate whether your investments are actually worth it. Learn how Zerion calculates returns for DeFi assets and why Return vs. HODLing is the figure you really want.

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